When it comes to investing in solar water heaters, you need to consider highly performing solar water collectors. There is a huge availability of solar collectors available to choose from. The most popular amongst homeowners in North America is the flat plate collector. This is a good choice for producing residential hot water throughput most of the season; but loses its performance during winter.
This is where solar vacuum tube collectors come in handy. They are ideal for solar water heaters and are able to produce higher temperature. The main reason behind choosing this collector is the better level of winter performance. This collector heats water in the winter and stands out as the winner amongst all types of solar collectors.
If you’re looking to produce hot water at higher temperature, it’s highly suggested to consider heating with solar vacuum tubes that will deliver outstanding results. Sola evacuated tube collector works like a coffee thermos. The vacuum tube traps the heat energy which can’t escape. But a flat plate collector is like an ordinary coffee cup. The energy produced by flat plate collector will escape through the walls of collector quickly.
However, the outside temperature remains colder during winter; which results in more heat loss with a flat plate collector than a solar evacuated tube collector. That’s why solar water heaters with solar vacuum tubes are ideal choice for Northern Climates such as Canada and Northern UDA. The solar vacuum tubes are popular in Europe and Asia as the production price is substantially less.
This means, the cost of installing a solar water heater with vacuum tubes has become affordable, which makes them a popular alternative than their counterparts. Currently, both heating systems have 10% cost difference that means vacuum tubes are rapidly growing throughout the United States and Canada.
Another popular use is heating your home by using solar vacuum tubes. It is because of superior winter performance and higher operational temperatures. That’s why solar energy is considered as a popular way of heating your home or space as well as shops and commercial facilities.
Another growing market is home heating using solar vacuum tubes. Because of an evacuated tube's superior winter performance and higher operating temperatures, home heating or space heating is becoming a very popular means of apply solar energy to homes, shops and commercial facilities. It’s a perfect way to capture the full energy potential of the sun for heating home and hot water at home which takes around 80% of the energy consumption of the entire home.
When designing this system, you should remember that the demand for heat energy during summer is zero. So, the additional solar heating requirement should be controlled during this time. It can be done by diverting heat to a pool or hot tub or by using covers to enclose some of the solar collectors.
At Latitude51 Solar, we specialize in providing pre-engineered and pre-designed solar water heating packages by using vacuum tubes. Our solar heating designs are perfect for residential hot water, home heating, pools and hot tubs. For more information about our solar water heating packages, please feel free to contact us today at +1 800 317 9054.