Solar water heating is the simple technology to heat water in homes or business by using energy from the sun. This heating option has been used for a very long time and works really well in the Northern climate conditions.
This water heating technology is an advanced one; but not a new emerging technology. Therefore, you shouldn’t wait for a while thinking that technology is going to get much better in the future.
However, solar evacuated tube collectors are around 94% efficient and able to convert 94% of sunlight into heat that helps in heating water. The remaining 6% is absorbed through the glass or lost because of small amount.
Remember that solar PV technology is completely different and its efficiency is much lower i.e. around 15%. Most of the sunlight falls on the solar PV panels that will be wasted or lost; so only about 15% is converted to electricity. Therefore, you will receive so poor payback from solar PV kits.
Now it’s time to discuss about how solar water heating system works. The glass vacuum tubes absorb sunlight and start heat water at very high temperatures. The solar collectors will attain maximum 270 degrees Celsisus and the temperture of fluid that flows through the collector depends on how faster the solar pump operates. This is why, solar evacuated tube systems were used around 88% of the largest commercial premises in Canada under the Eco Energy Incentive Program that was ended in March 2011.
Why Do Most Homeowners Rely on Residential Solar Water Heaters?
Most homeowners use solar systems to heat water for showers, washing and other residential hot water applictaions. Generally, this system heats around 50% of total annual hot water usage around your home.
Keep in mind that, the system will handle around 100% of the summer hot water load whereas tge amount will be less in winter. Even, you can do research on the web and find that homeowners reporting a significant drop in their natural gas bills.
Take a look at a few reasons why using solar water heating system makes really sense for residential hot water purposes:
Smaller system requirement –
The system will require one 30 tube solar collectors to heat water for one to three people in a home whereas 2 x 30 tube solar collectors will be required to heat water at home with two to four people.
Roof space –
Most houses throughout Canada don’t have enough roof space facing south. It is required to put on the solar collectors. Typically, most people have space for two to three collectors.
Mechanical room space –
Most houses have small size mechanical rooms. All of the soalr water heater systems require a solar tank for hot water storage. But the storeage tank size is limited by the available space in the mechanical room. Sizing of solar storage tank is important.
But most circumstances, one or two 30 tube solar collectors will be perfect for normal size homes, especially if you look for a solar water heating system for hot water at home.
Bottom Line –
Are you looking to install solar water heaters? You should look no further than Latitude51 Solar. Feel free to contact us as soon as possible at +1(800) 317-9054.