Are you looking to use simple technology for heating water at your home or business? If yes, you should harness energy from the sun. This technology has been used by most homeowners and business premises. Even, solar water heating kits work really well in the Canadian climates. Their effectiveness depends on where you live in Canada.
This solar heating technology is well advanced and uses solar evacuated tube collectors that deliver higher efficiency. Generally, solar water heating systems in Northern USA and Canada utilize a closed loop or active system. This design features glycol based heating fluid which works well during winter.
Drain back system or compact solar water heaters can be ideal in southern areas; especially when the risk of damage because of the freezing condition minimizes. It’s highly recommended that you should keep the system safe and protected through a heating fluid during heavy freezing conditions. This fluid can be able to withstand temperature below 0 degree Celsius.
A closed loop solar heating system comes with a heat exchanger which helps in transferring energy to the potable residential hot water. The heat exchanger has the ability to transfer heat energy produced by the collector to the potable water which the homeowner is going to use later.
Generally, there are two different types of heat exchangers i.e. internal and external. Both systems work effectively; but the internal heat exchanger outperforms as 100% heat energy gets transferred to the potable water.
When you invest in a solar water heating system, you will be provided with a differential solar controller that controls heat energy effectively. This solar controller comes with a sensor that helps in monitoring temperature of solar collector and potable water.
If the temperature of the heating fluid present inside the solar evacuated tube collector is greater than that of the potable water, the controller will activate the solar pump. As a result, the hot fluid gets transferred through the heat exchanger and provides solar energy to the potable water. When the temperature of the solar collector is less than that of the water tank, the solar controller will switch off the pump during the evening.
The glass vacuum tubes absorb sunlight and heat water at very high temperatures. These collectors will attain maximum temperature of 270 degrees Celsius or about over 500 degrees Fahrenheit. The fluid temperature that flows through the collector depends on how faster the solar pump operates.
Why do you use solar hot water system at home?
More often people use this system for heating water for showers, washing and other residential purposes. The system heats around 50% of total annual hot water of the house. Keep in mind that, the water heating system will handle more or less 100% summer hot water load; but the amount will be less during winter.
However, homeowners using solar water heaters see a 66% drop in their utility bills. Generally, most homeowners use solar powered heating systems at their house for the following discussed reasons.
Smaller size system requirement -
A 30 tube solar collector is able to heat water for one to three people in a home. Two 30 tube solar collector is capable of heating residential hot water for two to three people at home thereby requiring a smaller size system.
Less roof space –
Most homes don’t have ample roof space facing south which is a must for installation of solar collectors. Normally, most people have roof space for installing two or three solar collectors. Hence, the solar water heating system can be installed easily on your roof.
Minimal mechanical room space –
Most homes have smaller size mechanical rooms. All solar water heating systems require a tank for the storage of hot water. The tank size is typically limited by the space inside the mechanical room. It won’t be a hassle for the installation of a solar water heater.
Please note – Most normal size homes require one or two 30 tube solar collectors, if you would like a water heating system for only heating water.
Bottom Line –
If you want to learn more about solar water heaters, feel free to contact Latitude51 Solar at +1(800) 317-9054. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible with a design estimate.