Apart from the cost & greenhouse gas emissions savings, the best thing about a solar hot water system is its relative simplicity & strength.
There’re 2 kinds of collectors used in solar hot water system:
- Flat plate collectors (appropriate where tank roof mounting is needed)
- Evacuated tubes (more efficient & great for frost prone regions)
Flat plate solar collectors:
Flat plate collectors work on copper pipes running through a glass covered collector, usually connecting to a water storage tank on the roof. As soon as the sun heats the copper pipes the resulting hot water is thermo-siphoned out of solar storage tank.
Evacuated tube solar collectors:
Evacuated tube solar collectors comprises of 2 glass tubes attached at the top & bottom. The space between the two tubes is evacuated to form a vacuum. A copper pipe running through the centre of the tube meets a common pipe. That then attaches to a slow flow circulation pump that pumps water to a storage tank underneath, therefore heating the water throughout the day. Because of the insulation of the tank, the hot water can be used at night or the next day.
Evacuated tube solar collectors are the best as they can extract the heat from the air on a humid day and don’t require direct sunlight. Because of the vacuum inside the glass tube, the total efficiency in all areas is higher. Also, you will get a better performance when the sun isn’t at the best angle (early in the morning or in the late afternoon).
Evacuate tube is not just more efficient, but also more durable and affordable to fix if there is any accidental damage.
Where to buy efficient solar water tanks?
Solar water tanks are simply like a battery for electricity, except it stores heat energy in the form of hot water. Generally, a solar water tank is employed to store the heat energy in hot water. Here at Northern Lights, we provide a wide array of solar water tanks for hot water storage, hot water heating systems, commercial and industrial applications. These tanks are accessible in a range of sizes and capacities.